Saturday, August 31, 2019

M&S’s Business and Economic Environment

M&S’s aims and objectives are to make money for shareholder and to improve their profit margins where and when ever possible. Their approach to reaching the aims and objectives are to design extremely attractive and inactive products for their customers that are of a high quality. As these products are of high of high quality not everyone can afford these products and are targeted at a slightly niche market (upper middle to upper class citizens).M&S also have a commitment called Plan A, in which they are devoted to environmental issues such as refusing to send waste to landfills and using alternatives methods of waste disposable such as recycling within the business where possible and also externally, as well as lowering carbon emissions when possible. These things will help them save money, however the main reasoning for these policies M&S have issued are to increase the their appeal in the eyes of the public, therefore making people think that they are helping the environmen t if they shop with them. Which they are but only to a certain extent.These policies are in force as the government have fiscal and monetary policies that effect all businesses and the way they operate, including M&S. An example of a fiscal policy would be direct taxation, this can come in the form of corporation tax which is currently set at 20%. The level of which corporation tax is set at can effect a business hugely, as if they are set low it means that M&S won’t have to pay as much interest on their profit and will have more money to re-invest into the business. This could be into for example, hiring more staff as a result of an increase in demand. This means if M&S carried out hiring more staff alongside other businesses throughout the UK as a result of an increase of stimulation in the economy then the unemployment rate would drop.Giving people more disposable income to spend on higher quality goods in such places at M&S, and further stimulating the economy. On the oth er hand if the corporation tax was set at a high level the businesses, including M&S, would have to pay out more of their profits to the government in order for them to keep the economy running. This would then lead to M&S having less money to re-invest. Meaning it will be harder to expand maybe as much as they’d planned to. However if businesses are paying more in corporation tax then the government will most likely be needing it to stimulate the economy to encourage people to start spending.And will in turn increase the amount of business and sales that M&S will receive. So if the corporation tax is high it will be better for all businesses in the long run. The government also have a capital allowance which means that businesses can buy expensive machinery and are eligible to claim the tax back from those machines. This is so that because the tax on these machines will be at a relatively high price and will encourage businesses to buy them and spend money. This would apply to M&S as they have the self-service machines that customer can scan and bag their own shopping if time is of the essence.The amount of tax on all of the machines that M&S have bought throughout all of their stores will add up to a large sum. So if they can get that money back it means that they will have more money to reinvest back into the business, creating more opportunities to make money and therefore generating more profit in order to meet their never-ending goal which is to make as much money as they can to keep the shareholder happy. This will also heavily apply to cavies, where M&S get all their ready meals from. As they are a factory with countless machines they will be able to get a bursary from the government for the tax which they paid on the machines. This means that they will be able to sell their ready meals for a cheaper price which means M&S will save money (and will be hitting their aims and objectives) alongside with their customers.Then as they are cheaper it wi ll attract more sales resulting in more ready meals bought from cavies giving a win win win situation to cavies and both M&S and their customers. The government also have monetary policies that will affect all businesses, and these include such things as interest rates. This is because the interest rate doesn’t just affect businesses but every citizen of the UK. And this effects businesses in a big way because it has a direct link to how much money people and businesses receive back from the bank in return of banking with them. Currently the interest rate is at an all-time low of 0.5%, and has been stuck at this rate since 2009 because of the recession.The interest rate has been set this low so that it encourages people to take out loans and mortgages, as it means that people wont have to pay as much money back on their loan. This then has a ripple effect and will increase the amount of first time buyers to join the property ladder alongside other buyers that will sell and bu y a more expensive house. This will have a huge affect on the housing industry and therefore also M&S as they have a large  home wares section that people will purchase new goods from to furnish their new homes with.However, on the other hand a low interest rate is very bad for people who are wanting to save and earn interest on their savings. Because if the interest is at 0.5 and someone has  £10,000 in a savings account which will be no more than 1.2% at best then in a year they would only make  £120 profit. This means that people won’t have as much disposable income compared to if the interest rate was at its average 5 – 6% and people would be saving about five times as much. And if the interest rates are low then large businesses like M&S won’t invest their money into the banks that are in England, they will put them in offshore accounts in such places like China, which has an interest rate of 6%, or India with a rate of 7.25%.These countries have a hi gh interest rate as they are up and coming countries ((NEDCs, (newly economically developed countries)) and have a high growth rate and show a promising return upon investment. Another monetary policy that would affect businesses would be the amount of capital allowance they allowed each citizen to have. This is currently set at  £10,000, and if you earn under that amount you be taxed so that you can meet the national minimum standard of living. This then links back to more disposable income people have, as the more they have the more they are likely to spend, and the more chance that money will end up in M&S.It could go as far as someone who saved  £200 in taxes and buying a new game console of someone second hand and they could then repay a debt to someone, then they could spend that same  £200 on a weekly shop at M&S. So no matter who saves money for what reason the direction of money is too unpredictable to even guess so saved up money will just as easily end up at M&S as anywhere else.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Purpose of College

Going to college is very important to me and has many purposes. Attending college can be challenging, but it can only help you and your future. One important reason to attend college is to further your education. Furthering your education not only helps you understand things in life, but it also allows you to get a degree. By having a degree It can open doors for Job opportunities and many other things. Getting my degree is very important to me. College Is also a time to grow up and become an adult.College is a time to learn to be Independent, to learn to be responsible, to mature, and to learn real world responsibilities. One must become responsible while In college, because you don't have parents to tell you what to do anymore. Your decisions affect you, and can affect the people around you. My parents have stressed to me since day one how Important college Is. They told me I wasn't getting a free ticket Into college, and that I had to work and become something of myself. I had to work not only on my academics, but also at my athletics. Liege Is a wonderful opportunity to make lifelong friendships and memories that one can cherish forever. Being a part of a school is a great feeling and I can't thank my parents enough for pushing me every step of the way to get me where I am today. It was a little ruff, but it was all worth it. College is a time for one to have fun, and to become a part of your school you attend. Get involved. Join something you haven't done before, whether it is a sport, a faith based organization, or something involving your field of study.College is all about learning new things and experiencing things you never have before, so why not take advantage of it. College is a very important thing to me, and it is something everyone should take seriously because it is not free, and you can learn so much from attending college. College is a once in a lifetime thing, so I say make the best of it. I cannot wait to see what the rest of this year has in store for me here at South. It is a great school and I am so thankful I am here!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Automated Car Parking System

Barchester City Council in the center of Barchester manages seven car parks. The Council is in need of a car parking system to automate daily operations of car parking like controlling barriers, handling payment and issuing tickets. Core activities aside, the council also wants to automate car parking management like problem recording, monitoring service level agreement with the security pany that provides a guard at the car parks and issuing season tickets. This report provides the analysis of the functionality, possible ou es, risks of taking information systems and the resources required to implement it. To automate daily car operations and its management tasks, the following areas are proposed to integrate into the new system. The new car park system will operate payment for car parking and entry and exit of the car from the car park. Car parking will be of two different types – ordinary customers, who will be able to pay for the parking when they are using it. Seasoned ticket holders, who will have the privilege to park in designated areas from Monday to Friday, and an advance has to be paid by them which can be for three, six or twelve months (Sabnam, Das, & Kashyap, 2016). While nearing the entry barrier, a sensor placed under the road will detect and the control pillar will display ‘Press Button.' For the regular customer, the ticket will be printed within five seconds after the button is pressed, and a ‘Take Ticket’ text will be visible. Pulling the ticket will raise the barrier. In case the park is full, no tickets will be issued. During exit, the ‘Press Button’ display will be activated if there is a car waiting (Dong, Jin, & Hou, 2014, p. 1770). In the case of seasoned ticket holders, the user inserts the season ticket which checks for some conditions like if it is the weekday, the validity of tickets, among others. The barrier is raised only when all checks are passed, and the checking operation should not take more than five seconds (Sumathi, Varma, & Sasank, 2013). The time of entry is also recorded. The ticket issued will have a barcode which will include date, time and number of the entry to the car park and th e same information will be printed on the ticket in human readable form (Mahmud et al., 2013, p. 722). As Tsang & Leung (2013) stated, for payment, the regular customer has to go to the pay station for payment when the customer is about to leave. The automated system will pare the information on the ticket's bar code with the stored information. If a date is matched, then the barrier is raised, and if not then the display tells the customer to visit the office who will manually check the ticket (Agerholm et al., 2014). As expressed by Jog et al., (2015), the customer while approaching the exit barrier, the sensor detects the vehicle and the control pillar displays ‘Insert Ticket' to the customer. The barrier opens only when the time does not exceed more than 15 minutes between payment of the ticket and checking of the ticket. If more than 15 minutes has passed alarm rings and the customer can then speak with the office attendant by showing the ticket (Baglane, 2014, p. 75).  Ã‚   The Council has tied up with security panies to inspect the car parks periodically. The security guards have a card which when punched to the card reader at the car park office, the arrival and departure time is recorded. It works almost the same way with seasoned ticket holders (Mohammed, 2015). The car parking management system handles all the other tasks that are not managed by the regular operation system. Security SLA is similar to service level agreement the council has made with the security panies. An exception report is generated monthly which tells if the number of visits or the duration of the visit of the security pany is lesser than the minimum required as laid out in the contract (Whaiduzzaman, 2014, p. 330). As stated by Kenaid & Ali (2016), for selling season tickets a sub-system is required. The season ticket is issued to either a pany or an individual's name, and the contact details on the pany are recorded. The ticket will carry the issue and expiry date and will be valid for three, six or twelve months. The information on season tickets has to be made prior available to the operation systems (Ang, 2013, p. 5). A renewal form is also sent to the season ticket holders two weeks before their cards’ expiry date. Renewing before the expiry date will set the season ticket valid for another three, six or twelve months. A record also has to be maintained which will show the usage of the season ticket as pared to the ordinary customer for the same period regarding costs (Hanche, 2013). According to the Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (2015), the fault recording system will record any problems related to car parks. Faults can include things such as doors and windows to equipment such as security cameras, card readers, and barriers. Reported time and date of fault is recorded for service level agreement. As stated by Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (2014), in case the fault lies with any aspect of the operational system, then the maintenance pany has to be notified immediately. Council’s direct labor organization will be notified of any other issues. A monthly statistical report is required to show records of the date and time the fault is fixed, the panies that were allocated and the time taken to set (U.S. Patent No. 8,624,756, 2014). A record is necessary which will keep track of all the tickets issued in a year for the Council to carry out the annual review of ticket costs, to estimate revenue for the next year. For the proposed Information System of the automatic car parking external resources that are required are: The operating system version can be Unix, Linux, Mac or Windows (Patterson & Hennessy, 2013).   It is necessary for the employees to interface with the Parking Management System with their personal puter (Mienkina et al., 2015). As opined by U.S. Patent Application No. 13/748,152 (2013), it is required for employees to access their accounts and for administrators, manage payments and generate reports. Local Area Network munication interface via Ethernet (U.S. Patent Application No. 14/454,440, 2014). Computers used must be at least Dual Core machines for a system to work optimally. The design needs to be flexible and modular enough for the structure to be upgradable or changed as per design requirement (Wong, 2015, p. 600). As stated by Saware (2016), certain risks e with integrating information system in car parking system. It can be confusing for those who are unfamiliar with the system and have a fear of the system's breakdown. At high peak hour volume, the system may break down or may not be able to cope (Wang, 2014, p. 975). With the emergence of newer technology, the existing system will b e quickly outdated and replacing the system will result in a higher cost. There is also the uncertainty that the building department may not review or approve the process (Ferreira, 2014, p. 475). With the proposed system in place, there will be a better perception of security as customers would not step out of their space. This system will be beneficial to tight parking spaces where ramped parking structure cannot be a modated. As the parking space will be utilized to the maximum, the parking efficiency will be very high regarding space and costs. The mon problem with looking for parking space will be solved, and since the cars would not roam around for available space, therefore, emissions will be reduced. Less chance of any vehicle mishaps since at every step the system will guide the car. Familiar parkers will require less intervention of the office staff. pared to the bined walking time/parking/driving in conventional ramped parking structures, the retrieval time will be much less with the automatic car parking system. Openings in exterior walls or ramping floors would not be required, and facade integration will be easier. To implement the automatic car parking system the proposal made was to divide the system into two parts – Operational System and Management System. Operational System operates with payment related operation for car parking. Tickets issued are mainly two types – ordinary customers for those using the parking space on a usage basis, and season ticket holders, who possess a ticket for three, six or twelve months and get designated car parking space on weekdays. Operations included in the Operational System includes payment at the pay station, opening, and exit of barriers of the car park, issuing tickets and recording of security visits by security guards. Management Operations include those services which are not handled by the Operational System.   It includes making reports on service level agreements, a sub-system for selling and renewing tickets, fault recording with faults related to the doors and windows to the equipment of Operational System. The various risks as sociated with implementing an automatic car parking system includes incurring huge costs on moving to a new technology, the unfamiliarity of users with the new parking system, system breakdown and issues during high volume of traffic. The proposed ou e is said to be quite positive as it will be a definite upgrade over mon ramped parking spaces regarding space and cost efficiency, less emission, better security and easier navigation.   Agerholm, N., Lahrmann, H., Jà ¸rgensen, B., Simonsen, A. K., & Tà ¸fting, S. (2014). Full-Automatic Parking registration and payment. In  Proceedings–10th Its European Congress. Ertico-ITS Europe. Ang, J. T., Chin, S. W., Chin, J. H., Choo, Z. X., & Chang, Y. M. (2013, June). iSCAPS-Innovative Smart Car Park System integrated with NFC technology and e-Valet function. In puter and Information Technology (WCCIT), 2013 World Congress on  (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Baglane, S. B., Kulkarni, M. S., Raut, S. S., & Khatavkar, T. S. (2014). Parking Management System.  International Journal of Modern Engineering Research,  4(2), 72-77. Berman, S. B. (2014).  U.S. Patent Application No. 14/454,440. Brandmaier, J. A., Gillespie, J., Hughes, S., Koza, D., Loo, W., & Lowry, F. (2015).  U.S. Patent No. 9,019,092. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Brandmaier, J. A., Gillespie, J., Hughes, S., Koza, D., Loo, W., & Lowry, F. (2014).  U.S. Patent No. 8,799,034. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Dong, H. R., Jin, S. T., & Hou, Z. S. (2014, June). Model Free Adaptive Control for automatic car parking systems. In  Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), 2014 11th World Congress on  (pp. 1769-1774). IEEE. Ferreira, M., Damas, L., Conceià §ao, H., d'Orey, P. M., Fernandes, R., Steenkiste, P., & Gomes, P. (2014, June). Self-automated parking lots for autonomous vehicles based on vehicular ad hoc networking. In  2014 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Proceedings  (pp. 472-479). IEEE. Ganot, Z. (2014).  U.S. Patent No. 8,624,756. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Hanche, S. C., Munot, P., Bagal, P., Sonawane, K., & Pise, P. (2013). Automated Vehicle Parking System using RFID.  Volume-1, Issue-2. Jog, Y., Sajeev, A., Bidwans, S., & Malick, C. (2015). Understanding Smart and Automated Parking Technology.  International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and Technology,  8(2), 251-262. Kenaid, B., & Ali, S. (2016).  U.S. Patent No. 20,160,110,926. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Mahmud, S. A., Khan, G. M., Rahman, M., & Zafar, H. (2013). A survey of intelligent car parking system.  Journal of applied research and technology,  11(5), 714-726. Mienkina, M., Circello, J. C., Mei, W., & Xiao, Y. (2015).  U.S. Patent Application No. 14/708,969. Mohammed, T. S., Al-Khairi, W. K., Al-Jubouri, A. T., & Shamas, O. S. (2015). Development and Implementation of an Automated Car Parking System.  Applied Mechanics & Materials. Patterson, D. A., & Hennessy, J. L. (2013). puter organization and design: the hardware/software interface. Newnes. Raleigh, G. G., Tellado, J., Green, J., Lavine, J., James, J., Nguyen, L. A. M., & Carter III, R. B. (2013).  U.S. Patent Application No. 13/748,152. Sabnam, M., Das, M., & Kashyap, P. A. (2016). Automatic Car Parking System.  ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology,  4. Saware, N., Waje, S., Kore, M. M., Patil, T., & Nanaware, P. (2016). Perspicacious Vacant Car Parking Detection System. Sumathi, V., Varma, N. P., & Sasank, M. (2013). Energy efficient automated car parking system.  International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET),  5(3), 2848-2552. Tsang, C. L., & Leung, Y. W. (2013, July). Automatic Redemption of Free Parking in Shopping Malls. In puter Software and Applications Conference PSAC), 2013 IEEE 37th Annual  (pp. 286-287). IEEE. Wang, W., Song, Y., Zhang, J., & Deng, H. (2014). Automatic parking of vehicles: A review of literatures.  International Journal of Automotive Technology,  15(6), 967-978. Whaiduzzaman, M., Sookhak, M., Gani, A., & Buyya, R. (2014). A survey on vehicular cloud puting.  Journal of Network and puter Applications,  40, 325-344. Wong, K. S. L. (2015). Flexible design principles.  Facilities,  33(9-10), 588-621. With a decade's experience in providing essay help,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Air National Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Air National Case Study - Essay Example Presently, HR today happens to be an amalgam of two wildly distinctive roles, the first being while the second tends to be the personnel functional role that is the daily business of human resources that must be right; however, those daily roles also can be extremely strategic. The HR plays a unique role in helping the leadership of the organization assess all those elements, which tend to affect the strategy (Lepak & Gowan 2008, p.35). Apart from that the HR assists the management team in examining the implications of essential decisions, for instance, when Air National intended to add GoJet as an additional service, there were questions about this new investment project such as, what are the repercussions of introducing this project? What systems or processes necessitate supporting this investment? Is it possible to scale the organization suitably in supporting this new project? Considering that the human resources function turns out to be analytics, as well as metrics driven; only the HR leaders will be capable of providing relevant information in framing key business decisions (Torrington, Hall & Taylor 2008, p.25). In consequence of the challenging times within the business sector, companies have had to respond to the slowdown in economic activity by cost-cutting measures, for instance, the case of Air National there was the selling of aircrafts and buildings, along with the suspending or abandonment of unprofitable routes. Therefore, it is the duty of HR to come up with trends for compensation and benefits, thereby understanding the competitive landscape for top talent, together with the repercussions for employee retention, as well as their morale. This downturn provides a business with the opportunity to recruit extremely talented employees who might have been unaffordable in an improved economic environment, for instance, employees recruited for GoJet (Torrington, Hall & Taylor 2008, p.49). Question Two According to John Storey, there are a number of w ays whereby HRM has the ability of changing earlier attitudes and perceptions of personnel management in regards to managing people as contained in this latest model of HRM. If Air National applies these elements, it will undoubtedly enhance the management of its staff, thereby leading to enhanced performance of the entire company. The HRM must (Ivancevich 2006, p.36):- i) Increasingly seek to connect HRM concerns to the inclusive strategy of the organization. Apparently, organizations having the most effectual HRM policies and practices seek out to assimilate such policies within corporate strategies thereby reinforcing or changing an organization's culture. This is achievable through integrating HRM concerns into an organization's strategic plans thereby securing the acknowledgement and inclusion of a HRM viewpoint within the decisions of line managers. Therefore, HRM policies regarding various functions such as recruitment and training must be internally consistent plus at the sa me time being in harmony with the business strategies hence replicating the organization's core values. ii) Build strong cultures as a way of endorsing certain organizational goals since the aim of a strong culture are uniting employees by means of a shared set of managerially approved values such as quality, service and innovation, which tend to assume the recognition of the employee, as

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Which Form of Governance is the best, Compare views of John Locke and Term Paper

Which Form of Governance is the best, Compare views of John Locke and Montesquieu - Term Paper Example Particularly, Montesquieu and Locke agreed on the doctrine of separation of powers and the legitimacy of the government as being founded upon the will of the people, as shall be seen in the ensuing discourse. John Locke’s ideas that characterize his persuasion on his opinion concerning the best form of government are mostly found in his Second Treatise on Civil Government. In this light, Locke believed that the best form of government is direct democracy. Locke believed that the best form of government had to have limited power. By the term limited power Locke meant that there had to be an existence of checks and balance. John Locke postulated that such a government had to begin by the majority entering into a commonwealth as they choose their government. This majority may therefore choose to have a democracy wherein they retain their legislative powers. Conversely, the majority can also opt for an oligarchy wherein they subject legislative power to a small group of selected individuals. A monarchy may also be preferred upon by the majority, so that power is concentrated on an individual. So far, Locke’s perspective appears neutral (Locke, 54). Locke’s neutrality is eradicated the moment he says that the majority should have the power to change the government and types of government. He also states that governments should be formed, based on the choices that subjects make. This seems to heavily resonate with the Vox populi, vox Dei notion which places the mandate and functions of the government as being ancillary to the will and voice of the masses. The notion that power to change the government and types of government should belong to the people also underscores the democratic principle that people can remove one regime and replace it with another which they deem more efficient and representational of their will. This lays ground for direct participation of the public in

Monday, August 26, 2019

Export Final Project - Malaysian fashion retailer wishing to expand Term Paper - 1

Export Final Project - Malaysian fashion retailer wishing to expand its business into the African Market - Term Paper Example In this presentation, international, export fashion competitors to Africa have been analyzed. The top twenty economies in Africa, representing the African market, have been analyzed. The presentation also provides ways in which international, financial and business risks can be managed, and defines the relevant criteria for exporting fashion products to the African market, where the market opportunities/business opportunities are of interest and risks may be acceptable. International Competitors The major, international competitors in fashion product’ export to Africa includes Guangzhou City Clothing Business Company Limited, Qingdao Shuoyuan International Trade Company Limited and Shenzhen USD Pack Production Limited. Brogan Sakutu International LLC also competes in exporting fashion products to African Countries. Guangzhou City Clothing Business Company Limited and Shenzhen USD Pack Production Limited are located in Guangdong, China while Qingdao Shuoyuan International Trade Company Limited is located in Shandong, China. Brogan Sakutu International LLC is situated in Florida, United States. Turnover Qingdao Shuoyuan International Trade Company Limited has a turnover of US$ 50-100 Million while Guangzhou City Clothing Business Company Limited has a turnover of US$100 Million. ... Guangzhou City Clothing Business Company Limited’s primary markets are North, Central and South America, Middle East and Africa. (Guangzhou City Clothing Business Co. Limited). The main markets of Shenzhen USD Pack Production are Limited Northern Europe, Eastern Asia, Central America and Africa (Shenzhen USD Pack Production Limited). South East Asia, Europe, America and Africa are the primary markets of Brogan Sakutu International LLC (Brogan Sakuti International LLC). Product Range The product range for Qingdao Shuoyuan International Trade Company Limited includes used clothing, used clothes, used bags and used shoes while Guangzhou City Clothing Business Company Limited markets used shoes, used clothing and used clothes, among other commodities. Shenzhen USD Pack Production Limited deals with wooden boxes, jewelry bags and jute bags. Brogan Sakutu International LLC sells used clothes, used shoes, used purses, belts and toys. Strengths and Weaknesses These companies have vari ous strengths and weaknesses. For instance, Qingdao Shuoyuan International Trade Company Limited uses agents in exporting fashion products to Africa. It uses its no torn, no dirt slogan to offer the best quality to customers. It also sorts, packs and loads clothing promptly to ensure efficiency. In addition, the company helps buyers from Africa to find other goods like computers and bicycles. Shuoyuan International Trade Company Limited has a superior geographical advantage because it is located near Qingdao Port, facilitating import and export procedures. The company has cooperative relationships with the international business community. However, the

Life Styles Inventory Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Life Styles Inventory - Case Study Example On a critical evaluation of myself, I find the concept of power dominating other thinking styles. Occasionally, I overwhelmed with the desire to control actions and be in charge. However, this has always posed a number of challenges on my ability to provide directions as a manager. Power has created an unquestionable authority in the organization. The relationship between me and my employees has been impaired and a sense of personal authority and accountability at the department level has been lost. It has discouraged decentralization leaving me with the bulky duty of ever making each and every decision in the organization. However, in contradiction to the descriptions of this thinking style as shown in the lifestyle inventory, I have never witnessed the trait of coercion and intimidation in me. Often, I treat my employees with respect and listen to their opinions with an open-mind even though most of them do not like participating in the decision making process. Again, as opposed to the results description, I am usually patient and tolerant with my employees as long as the job is done as it ought to be. As my results would have it, my back-up thinking style is avoidance. This scale measures my tendency to use defensive strategies of withdrawal (Humphrey 229). This appears to be another true fact though there could be a few variations. Personally, I believe that problems are part of life and the preeminent method of solving issues is not by running away from them. I am capable of doing whatever it takes just to have the problem solved. It does not matter how much risk is involved. As some scholars would put it, there is no one best way of doing something. Similarly, I do not rely on a single way of tackling my problem of choose the easiest way out, instead, I explore more on other avenues that allows me to have my problem solved. This strengthens my ability to fulfill my role as a leader and a director in the organization Avoidance, as a thinking style has made me become more effective in my job as a manager. Normally, the practice of management is usually faced with lots of challenges, but my ability to solve problems has always seen me through the tough huddles in management practice. However, imperfections are part of humans and I do not believe that I have to be right at all times. Therefore, I differ with the description provided in the lifestyle inventory that people with this thinking style purport to always be right. I like being corrected when I make a mistake and accepting liability as a result of my blunders. On the other hand, my lifestyle inventory results indicate low performance on my humanistic-encouragement thinking style. This scale measures my interest to people and ability to care about others (Humphrey 230). Even though this was not the lowest performance recorded, humanistic engagement is an important style in the practice of management. As a manager, I need to be concerned with my employees and make them believe in themselves. They should also appreciate themselves for who they are and be satisfied with what they have. The lack of humanistic-encouragement in me compromises my ability as a manager since a manager needs to be listening and caring about employees. Presence of this trait in me might enhance manager-employee relationship and this has always proven to be one way of motivating employees. Suggestively, one of the things I should do better my humanistic-enc

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Jeff Bezos, Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Jeff Bezos, - Research Paper Example The research paper "Jeff Bezos," talks about the path of Jeff Bezos who has established the Amazon in 1994, and what great decisions brought this company to the current success. Jeff Bezos underlines in his interviews that he is a really happy person and he says that it is necessary to be an optimistic person otherwise no positive results are reached. The risk is a controversial issue for Bezos. He claims that to found an enterprise is a rather risky activity and the largest risks should be eliminated at once. To be an entrepreneur is to have an appropriate mind for it otherwise it is very difficult to solve different problems and to make different solutions. Bezos tells that he has learned the importance of self-reliance from his early childhood. His grandfather told him that it was necessary to rely on oneself and support oneself by one’s own methods and strategies. There is no one around but you to fix a current breakage or to solve a current problem. A constant search for new opportunities is a perfect perspective for solving potential challenges or business hazards. Jeff Bezos demonstrates his flexible management nature and his ability to adapt new strategies of leadership and management. When Amazon had to deal with financial challenges of the Company in 2002, it should have dealt with more than $3 billion operating losses. With respect to the experienced challenges and losses of the Company, it is possible to outline the key elements of the Amazon’s business model.... Risk is a controversial issue for Bezos. He claims that to found an enterprise is rather risky activity and the largest risks should be eliminated at once. To be an entrepreneur is to have appropriate mind for it otherwise it is very difficult to solve different problems and to make different solutions. Bezos tells that he has learnt the importance of self-reliance from his early childhood. Thus, his grandfather told him that it was necessary to rely on oneself and support oneself by one’s own methods and strategies. There is no one around but you to fix a current breakage or to solve a current problem. Moreover, it is relevant to work with an open and a creative mind. A constant search for new opportunities is a perfect perspective for solving potential challenges or business hazards. Jeff Bezos demonstrates his flexible management nature and his ability to adapt new strategies of leadership and management. When Amazon had to deal with financial challenges of the Company in 2 002, it should have dealt with more than $3 billion operating losses. Therefore, with respect to the experienced challenges and losses of the Company it is possible to outline the key elements of the Amazon’s business model. The superiority of Amazon in the online market cannot be denied, because Internet was not captured by large book sellers till 1994. Brand establishment of the Company was dependant on advertising. Moreover, a spirit of community is evident on the Web site of Amazon (Isckia 2009, p. 334). The Company publishes different reviews of the customers and provides other interested persons with reliable reactions of other readers. Tastes of their customers are reviewed and the Company is able to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Report Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Lab Report Example However some technical problems such as weight of the arm and unforeseen parameters of the robot going out of the maze were encountered in execution of the project. The objective of the project is to enable a robot to look for a ball and pick it up while avoiding black lines. The goal is divided into a logical sequence that enables the robot to achieve its goal. The sequence flow is as follows. The necessary parameters for the robot are set, these include the sensors and motors that enable the robot to move. The robot then looks for a ball. It then estimates and determines the distance to the ball. It moves through the distance and then picks up the ball. The robot does all this while avoiding the black lines using the accompanying sensor light. Robotics programming is a developing technology that utilizes principles from varying fields of science. These include mechatronics, electrical engineering, psychology and computer science .The merging of these fields of study produces the fi ctionalized concept of a robot that has intellect and a nature of its own and works hand in hand with man. Creation of robots from the programming aspects to the development of the mechanical parts has a very diverse effect on man-kind than any other technology that has come about. Robotics poses different arguments from a range of different perspectives that affects human beings. These effects are experienced in global, societal, economic and environmental views that determine the advancement and integration of robotic technology in day to day human lives. These aspects have raised arguments and debates in these fields that have seldom been settled. Advancement in robotics is only brought about by regarding these aspects in humanity. As with every technology, the economic aspect is highly regarded. The robotics project’s possibility of making work easier for people and at the same time improving the livelihoods of the same people is the most important part of the economic vi ew of new technology. Robotics programming has many varied views both positive and negative with regard to the effects and results of robotic technology. Positive aspects of robotic engineering within industrial and commercial aspects include automation of manufacturing, easing the hard labour for people and speeding up the process of delivery of products to the market. Robotic automotive technology and application of mechatronics principles can also improve the creation of safety systems especially in cars which can automatically and intelligently detect dangerous situations and react accordingly (Schweitzer,2). This helps save lives. However with the integration of robotics, the most negative economic aspect is the replacement of human beings by robots. This increases cases of unemployment and thus making robotics technology highly unpopular among operational and technically skilled people. Thus the development of intelligent machines is highly limited to jobs that human beings ca nnot do or will not do and also be based on a foundation of no competition with human beings(Schweitzer,5). The machines should be able to assist and not remove people from work. Robots built for services to people such as robots for lawn mowing and cleaning are beneficial to people as they speed up these services. The economic view more or less dictates the advancement of robotic technology. If it does not improve the lives of people and merely takes their jobs away and replacing them, it would be highly unlikely for the robots

Friday, August 23, 2019

Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business law - Essay Example The judges have to judge the intention objectively. In all circumstances, a court has to ask whether in the circumstances a reasonable person would regard the agreement as it was intended to be binding. In any circumstance that a party in the case wants to prove for sure there was an intention to be legally bound, the party must present the evidence of the intention to the court and prove it beyond reasonable doubt. In the case Thomas v Thomas (1842) 2 QB 851, the case is about an action which was brought by a widow against the executor of her husband. The day that the husband died, he had stated that he clearly wanted his wife to get one of the houses for the rest of her life. He said that in front of his witnesses. After the husband died, his executors decided to attach a life interest in one of the houses. This was so if the wife agreed to pay one pound per rent and provided that she kept the house in good condition. After some time, the executor refused to totally complete the co nveyance as he had promised. It was ruled that the respect for the wishes of the testator was not sufficient for the consideration. In the case Ermogenous v Greek Orthodox Community of SA Inc (2002) 209 CLR 95, Ermogenous who was a Bishop made a claim to be paid money which he thought was a compensation for his service from the church he was serving, that is Greek Orthodox Community. In the first instance he succeeded in convincing the judges. But when the case was taken to Full Court of the Supreme Court of SA, the judges found that there was no intention of creating legal relations between the parties which were involved. In the case Placer Development Ltd v Commonwealth (1969) 121 CLR 353, High Court of Australia, P and D had an arrangement of forming a company. The operations of the company would involve the exportation and importation of timber. It was a rule by the Commonwealth that a subsidy to be paid on any timber for which the import duty was paid but not remitted on expor t. The court decided that there was no contract at all since the amount to be paid as subsidy by P and D was not specified. There was no implication that any reasonable subsidy was to be paid since there was no any standard by which subsidy was to be judged. Apply the law to the facts of the question in a detailed and logical manner As n agreement becomes enforceable by law when the two parties intend to be legally bound at the time they are making the agreement, there is a need of carrying out an objective assessment of the circumstances under which the agreement between Peter and Sally, and between Burt and Sally was made. The main question in this case is whether, in the circumstances, a reasonable person would regard the agreement between Sally and Peter and the agreement between Sally and Burt as enforceable contract. There is no sufficient evidence that there was a contract between Sally and Peter. This is because, in the first instance, Sally refused to reply the request of P eter to be sold the bicycle at $4000. Peter had requested for an immediate response. Given that Sally refused to reply immediately and she did so after some days, it therefore follows that there was no contract between Peter and Sally. Sally went ahead and delivered the bicycle to Peter without his consent, and he had

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Developing Customer Relations Essay Example for Free

Developing Customer Relations Essay 1.0 Introduction Customer service is the provision of service to customer before during and after a purchase also its the ability of an organisation to recognise and consistently meet its customers need Employees may find them self in a situation that they sold a product and the customer is been arrogant saying it is faulty they need to stay calm 2.0 Providing Customer Service A new employee can provide good customer service by been well presented on their first day and wearing their uniform appropriately greeting the customer politely. 3.0 Presentation Skills In this section I am going to say why presentation skills are important to customer service Skill Why it is important As this is merit grade work, I need to expand each box. You need at least three points for each on why this is important Examples from business You need a couple of examples from businesses in each box Personal presentation e.g. personal hygiene, uniform/ dress, hair, makeup jewellery The way an employee presents himself identifies who they are. It is important because your presentation of your self and the business is the customer first opinion if they business is dirty then the customer wouldnt come there again Customers in Tesco Sainsburys wear uniform to make them look smart and they have to wear the uniform properly for example an employee might wear his uniform but not wear it smartly like not tucking in his shirt in companies like B Q the employees dress to stand out by wearing bright orange Also in the police force it is required to wear uniform Body language e.g. posture, facial expression, smiling, gestures, eye contact Body language has an impact on the customers perception of how friendly the staffs are. The body language of an employee is important because it shows how the employee feels about the customer and how approachable they are If a customer ask a staff in a company like Primark where is the T shirts and they are frowning it means the staff there is unfriendly In JD Sports if it is empty and there are no customers in there and the employees have a conversation then a customer comes in and has a query, the employee might frown when he comes in because he is interrupting his conversation Presentation of work area and equipment The presentation of the work area shows how prepared the staff are and how good the environment, it is important because it shows how prepared they are to start business and also the presentation shows how hygienic they are If in McDonalds the tables are dirty it will put off customers and they wouldnt eat in there Greeting Customers, Courtesy, Confidence, Interest, Thoughtfulness It is important because it shows that the employee cares that a customer is there and it makes the customer feel welcome If you greet a customer every time they come in to your business they would attract more customers to your business by telling them how polite employees in the business are Responding to different customer behaviour, Tact, Efficiency It is important to adapt to different customers and situation because all customers arent the same and they will have different attitude towards the employee/ business If a customer complains about how bad service is and you respond to them quickly it would show that youre sorry Of voice, pitch, language e.g. technical language, use of slang How you communicate to customer is important because all customers are usually different e.g. you talk to old people different from teenagers When you talk to an old lady you talk slowly so they can hear you properly but when you are talking to teenager you can use some slangs Also in a company like Pc World if someone was about to buy a computer you would speak to them in technical language e.g. the computer has 512mb ram e.t.c and if the customer doesnt understand it you explain to them Listening, body language, appropriateness to customer situation Your listening skills to a customer is important because if you dont listen to them while you are talking to feels rude and employee should be able to adapt to different situations because there are different kinds of customers If a customer asks a question like where is the toilet and you keep on telling them to repeat it. They wouldnt come back again to the business. Also there might be 4.0 Interpersonal Skills In this section I am going to say why interpersonal skills are important to customer service. Interpersonal Skills relate to the way you behave when you are dealing with other people and they are important because it makes communication clear. Attitudes, Behaviour, First impression are aspects of interpersonal skills The attitude of a staff to customer the first time they come in matter because that is their first impression and thats what they will tell other people about the business In a Supermarket if a customer asks where an item and the employee replies go away is to the customer it will put them off and they wouldnt come back Behaviour this is closely linked to attitude because this influences what you do and why you do it. A friendly person will normally behave in a cheerful way also if u enjoys working with people you will normally behave in a courteous and thoughtful way 5.0 Communication Skills In this section I am going to talk about communication skills Communication Skills are important to customer service. It is crucial that information is clear and accurate. In customer service employees must be able to explain companys policies to customers and answer question about product and service. Tone, Pace, Pitch of voice, Slang and Listening are aspects of communication skills Tone is difference between the way you talk to a supervisor and your friend. Tone is how informal or formal you are and the tone of your voice Slang includes word used informally such as waste of space, chill. None should be used in business when talking to an external customer. Pace relates to the speed at which you speak and should be varied depending on your audience. Listening skills are invaluable in business particularly in the following situations e.g. when a customer is telling you about his or her needs or preferences, when you are been given information to give to someone. Pitch of voice relates to how you sound. A low pitched voice is deep and gruff, a high pitched voice easily sound shrill. Varying your pitch makes you sound more interesting and enables you to hold people attention better if you speak in a monotone 6.0 Customer Service Situations I am going to explain which skills are important in the following situation face to face, on the telephone, email, urgent situations, and difficult situations; either it is Interpersonal Skills, Presentation Skills, Communication Skills. Face to Face: I assume communication skills are the most essential skills when an employee is facing a problem face to face because although your presentation and interpersonal skills is important the employee is facing them and the way he communicates matter. The most important communication skills is their listening skills because it will show how effective they are to deal with the problem Telephone: I assume communication skills are the most essential skills when an employee if dealing with a problem on the phone because

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Bill of Rights Essay Example for Free

Bill of Rights Essay The English Bill of Rights was a document that set clear limits on what a ruler could and could not do. It consisted of many rules and regulations that are, today, very useful. For example, one rule that applies to the laws in America today is â€Å"The people have a right to petition the government and to have a fair and speedy trial by a jury and their peers.† This rule applies to the government today because in the constitution that we have it currently states, in the Sixth Amendment, that all persons accused of criminal wrongdoing has the right to a speedy trial. Also, another important rule that is still used today is â€Å"The people should not be subject to cruel and unusual punishment or to excessive fines and bail.† This law is the eighth amendment in the United States constitution. The United States amendment states, â€Å"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.† The punishments that were considered cruel, at the time, that put this law into place was burning at the stake, crucifixion, or breaking of the wheel. Interesting enough, the United States supreme court held the use of excessive physical force against a prisoner may constitute cruel and unusual punishment even if the prisoner didn’t suffer any severe injuries. These laws and regulations were not only so important in present life, but also in colonial North America. A major cause of the American Revolution, in fact, was that the colonist felt they were being deprived of these rights. If it wasn’t for these rules being set into place during this time period, laws and life in America could’ve been very different and would have changed the way life is today.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Determination of Sodium Thiopental Using Gold Nanoparticles

Determination of Sodium Thiopental Using Gold Nanoparticles Development of a new colorimetric method for the determination of sodium thiopental using gold nanoparticles Sodium thiopental (sodium pentothal) is in a group of drugs called barbiturates.this barbiturate commonly used anesthetic induction agents in man and animals because recovery is rapid and it has the advantage of having very little or no side effects[1].It is used for intensive-care patients with head injuries to control convulsions and reduce raised intracranial pressure[2]. As a resultmonitoring of theserum concentrations is important in this patient population. Several analytical procedures have been reported for the quantitative determination of thiopental. Among these high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) are more popular. HPLC assays are not completely reliable, and do not have the short process-time required in most of the above-mentioned indications[3, 4]. other methods are available for determining thiopental including stripping voltammetry[5],membrane sensors[6],capacitive chemical sensor [7],gas chromatography (GC)[8],spectrophotometric and spectrophotofluorometric[9, 10]. Donald et al[11]reported that, after the usual 4.8 mg/kg induction doses, thiopental concentration in serum as a function of time varies between 10 mg/L to 25 mg/L during 50h.As stated before most of these currently used methods for sodium thiopental detection usually need expensive and complicated instruments and are time-consuming, making on-site and real-time thiopental detection difficult. Therefore, it is important to develop a simple reliable and hig hly sensitive method for on-site and real-time detection of sodium thiopental. Recently, gold nanoparticles (NPs) explored for metallic NP-based colorimetric detection have attracted considerable attention due to biocompatibility, stability, and high extinction coefficients[12]. gold nanoparticles present size-dependent optical properties owing to the surface plasma resonance(SPR)[12]. The color of the colloidal Au NPs can be readily and precisely changed via aggregation of Au NPs.Au NPs were widely applied in colorimetric detection of several analytes such as protein, DNA, metal ions and small molecules[ ]. In this study, we used gold nanoparticles as a colorimetric probe for sensitive and selective detection of sodium thiopental. The gold nanoparticles were prepared using the classical citrate method [12].thiopental on the surface of AuNPs displaced the stabilizing citrate ions because thiol group of sodium thiopental tends to readily adsorb onto the surface of colloidal gold via chemisorptions-type interactions. The thiopental capped Au NPs were stable at basic and neutral conditions .Puntes et al [13] have studied the stability of cationic gold nanoparticle bioconjugates as a function of pH and the presence of citrate in solution. The pH of an aqueous solution of thiopental-Au NPs was varied by direct addition of citrate buffer. the thiopental-Au NPs can be aggregated by adding certain amounts of citrate buffer due to the electrostatic attraction between amino group contained in thiopental molecular and citrate ion on the surface of Au NPs, the amino group of the thiopental would be positively charged at the given pH value and they would therefore interact electrostatically with the negative charges of the citrate molecules. Thus forcing the aggregation of the conjugated Au NPs and subsequently resulting in the color change from wine red to purple or blue color.So that we detected it by UV–Vis spectrophotometer and paptode techniques and contrast both methods.First time at 2004 paptode was developed in Dr. Abbaspour group for speciation of iron(II) and iron(III) and the full range pH monitoring [14]. Then it was used for the determination of dopamine [15], hydrazine [16]. In paptode, conventional à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡atbed -scanner (as a nondestructive detector) was used to acquire the analytical parameters for quantitative determination of analyte that occurs via colorimetric reaction. The estimated re à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ection density, as an analytical parameter, is obtained from an area of the sensing zone of spots using the average Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) channel. Degrees of the color of the spots are found to be proportional to the concentration of the testedanalyte. Experimental section: Reagents: HAuCl4.3H2O, trisodium citrate and citric acid were purchased from Sigma. Thiopental was obtained from Biochemie (Kundl, Austria) and zinc sulfate purchased from Fluka All solutions were prepared with ultrapure water Apparatus and software: The colorimetric study of NPs were performed by means of a Shimadzu 1601PC UV–Vis spectrophotometer (Kyoto, Japan)from 300 to 700 nm. Also a Canon scanner were used to record the color changes in paptode technique. The paptode Cells were built by creation of the holes (i.d 1.5 cm) in the sheet of plexiglas (thickness 0.9 cm). We used by photoshop Cs6 software to convert the recorded pictures of color of cells to RGB (Red, Green and Blue) and L*a*b data. The morphology and size of the nanoparticles were characterized by a transmission electron microscope (TEM model CM10; Philips). The X-Ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were obtained by using a D8 ADVANCE type (BRUKER-Germany) with Cu-KÃŽ ± radiation (ÃŽ »= 0.1542 nm). Powder XRD patterns were taken in 0.02 ° steps at 1 s per step. All the experiments were carried out at room temperature(25  ± 2 C) Synthesis of citrate-stabilized Au nanocrystals: Nanoparticles of noble metal were prepared by classical citrate method[12].the10ml of 0.014M of trisodium citrate dehydrate solution was added quickly to the 100ml of boiling solution of 0.5mM of HAuCl4.3H2O under magnetic stirring. The stirring was continued until a dark red color was observed (around 20 min) and the maximum absorbance of AuNPs solution was centered at 520 nm Sample preparation: Fresh human blood samples (2.0 mL) were obtained from volunteers of the local hospital. After letting sample stand for 60 min at room temperature we centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min. The supernatant was used as the source of the serum. We used zinc sulfate method as a deproteinization technique[]: we vortex-mix for 10s of the 10ml of serum sample and 150mg zinc sulfate, then we centrifuged the mixture at 3000 rpm for 20 min. The supernatant, which excluded protein, was used for further analysis. Procedures for the detection of sodium thiopental: In a typical detection of sodium thiopental, different amounts of thiopental solution were added to the above XmlAu NPs solutions at room temperature. we proceeded to study the behavior of the conjugated system by modifying the pH . To investigate the effect of pH of the buffer solutions on thiopental detection, 0.5 mL of 0.1 M buffer solution (citric buffer solution in the pH range of 3.0–6.0 ) was added in mixture of thiopental and Au NPs solution. The obvious color change was observed with the naked eye and the absorbance spectra and scanning images of the solution were recorded 1 min after the addition of citrate buffer. In spectroscopy technique ,The concentration of sodium thiopental was quantified by the absorption ratio (A670/A520). Results and discussion Citrate was chosen as the stabilizer for AuNPs because it is negatively charged, and can act as a stabilizingagent to disperse AuNPs in aqueous solutions. The Au NPs after synthesis showed a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) band at 405 nm (Fig. 1a). the addition of sodium thiopental doesn’t led to a color change of Au NPsin ultrapure water, although the thiol group of sodium thiopental tends to readily adsorb onto the surface of Au NPs.The pH of AuNPs solution in present of sodium thiopental is 10.2 and Puntes et al[13]reportedthat the presence of charged molecules insolution may induce NPs aggregation by bridging particlestogether. It was observed that multiple electrostatic interactions between the conjugates mediated by cross-linking species led to an effective strong bond and consequently to irreversible aggregation and precipitation. So that at the given pH value , charge of thiopental can be change and thenthe color of the colloidal thiopental-Au NPs can be changed to blu e (broad band above 600 nm).*Scrutiny of pH/Concentrate diagrams of citrate and thiopental shows that at the pH of between 5 to 7 , charge of citrate and thiopental can benegative and neutralfig S1. But when sodium thiopental add to AuNPs solution, the S- group in the sodium thiopental provides a strong affinity for gold. So that orbital of thiol group of thiopentalinvolved for Au NPs surface and when pH change from 10.2 to 6 , the amino group of the thiopental would be accepted H + and get positive charge. In present of excesscitrate at the pH of 6 , thiopental-AuNPscan be aggregated via electrostatic attraction between the citrate ions and the thiopental. So that in this study we used citrate buffer solutionfor control of pH( in the pH range of 3.0–6.0) and source of citrate (as a bridging factor). The aggregation mechanism of Au NPs is illustrated in Fig. 1. Optimization pH and time we proceeded to study the behavior of the conjugated system by modifying the pH( 7.1-5.4). The pH of an aqueous solution of0.00001M thiopental capped AuNPs was varied by direct addition of 0.05Mcitrate buffer to the solution andThe UV-Vis spectrum wasmonitored and the extinction ratio of absorbance at 600 nm to 420 nm (A600/A410) is plotted against the pH inFig. 3A. The thiopental-capped Au NPs were stable at basic and neutral conditions.When the pH of the solution was below the 6.4 , Au NPs agglomerated.the aggregation was solely due to the bridging citrate between the amine functionality.Onthe basis of this optimization experiment, the pH was set to 6.2 to achieve a best aggregationFig. 3A.When the pH was decreased immediately from 5.4 after the addition of the citrate buffer scatteringwasobserved.Fig. 3A illustrates theabsorption spectra of AuNPs at different pH value. At the concentration of sodium thiopental as 0.00001M, the extinction ratio ofA650/A520 at room temperatureexhibited a rapid increaseduring the first 1.5min,then increased gradually from 1 min to 18 min and then remained constantFig 3B. Thus, the detection time was chosen as 20 min. We choseto use the absorbance ratio at 500 and 600 wavelengths to quantify thecolor of the system,thecolor change at various sodium thiopental concentrations were monitored byUV/Vis spectroscopyfig4A.Quantitative analysis was performed by monitoringthe absorbanceat 1minute after the addition of citrate buffer Fig4B .The linear range, detection limit and reproducibilityof the method were evaluated under the optimumconditions.Thecalibration curve for sodium thiopental was linear in two ranges of( †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. To †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ and†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦) with correlation coefficients 0.9981 and0.9979, respectively. The Experimental detection limit has been obtained as 2 µM. The relative standard deviation(R.S.D.) for1.0Ãâ€"10−8M thiopental measurementwas2.7% (n=11)Fig4A .when thiopental concentrationincreased above 0.0005M, scattering was observed fig3B because thiopental polymerized white citrate molecule. So that we tried paptode techniques to resolve thisproblem FigS1. Although the higher concentrations of sodium thiopental was determined by paptode, but the limit of detection was rather high (LOD 10  µM) in comparison to the spectrophotometric method. The detailed procedure for sodium thiopental determination by the paptode method is explained in supporting information. To test the selectivity of the above method for sodium thiopental, we testing the response of the assay to some potential interference species and structurally similar to the sodium thiopental such as†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.in optimum condition and different concentration .the results areshown in bar diagramFigure 8 .red barsexhibit Color changes of the solution in thepresence of various interference species at concentrations of 10mMand bluebars exhibit Color changes in presence ofinterference species at real concentration in serum ( 1M cysteine, 2M†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦), The maximum absorption wavelength of AuNPs did notchange in the presence of the tested species, Except for cysteineat concentrations of 10mM. Therefore, AuNPs had good selectivity for sodium thiopental detection in optimum condition in the serum. Colorimetric detection of sodium thiopental in serum: To validate the reliability of the proposed method for sodium thiopental detection in real samples, The unknown amounts of thiopental were added to thethree different human serum samples before samplespre-treatment .Detecting of sodium thiopental in a serum is not easy because of the serum constituents.the color of the Au NPs was not stable by the addition of the blank serum. So that it mustdiluted ten times. As regardsthe calibration curve for detection thiopental by this methodand dilution of serum and thiopental concentration in serum as a function of time varies after the usual 4.8 mg/kg induction doses [] , we can detect sodium thiopental in human serumbefore 3 hour.samples were determined by both the AuNP-based method reported herein and the standard addition method. Satisfactory results and recoveries as shown in Table 2. The satisfactory results obtained indicate that proposed sensors can be applied to real sample assays. [1] H. Russo, F. Bressolle, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 35 (1998) 95-134. [2] R.I. Katz, J.T. Skeen, C. Quartararo, P.J. Poppers, Anesthesia Analgesia, 66 (1987) 1328-1330. [3] H. Russo, J.L. Allaz, F. Bressolle, Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications, 694 (1997) 239-245. [4] G. Coppa, R. Testa, A.M. Gambini, I. Testa, M. Tocchini, A.R. Bonfigli, Clinica Chimica Acta, 305 (2001) 41-45. [5] A.M.M. Ali, O.A. Farghaly, M.A. Ghandour, Analytica Chimica Acta, 412 (2000) 99-110. [6] N.M.H. Rizk, A.-H.M. Othman, Analytical Sciences, 21 (2005) 107-110. [7] M. Najafi, A.A. Baghbanan, Electroanalysis, 24 (2012) 1236-1242. [8] W.R. Kà ¼lpmann, Z. Anal. Chem., 311 (1982) 409. [9] G.A. Saleh, Talanta, 46 (1998) 111-121. [10] P.G. Dayton, J.M. Perel, M.A. Landrau, L. Brand, L.C. Mark, Biochemical Pharmacology, 16 (1967) 2321-2336. [11] D. Jung, M. Mayersohn, D. Perrier, Clinical Chemistry, 27 (1981) 113-115. [12] M.-C. Daniel, D. 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Monday, August 19, 2019

The Prevalence of Sexual Harassment on College Campuses Essay -- Exemp

The Prevalence of Sexual Harassment on College Campuses One night, â€Å"Amy,† a student at State, was hanging out with some friends in her room. â€Å"A bunch of people were there, and one guy I didn’t know was obviously drunk and kept asking me out. I tried to brush him off, and didn’t take it seriously because he was drunk. I left to go to sleep. â€Å"He followed me to my room and kept banging on my bedroom door, trying to push it open and asking me to talk to him. I talked to him for a little while just to appease him.† Finally, the guy’s friends coaxed him away from Amy’s door. â€Å"I don’t know if that’s sexual harassment,† she said. â€Å"I wasn’t worried that he was going to assault me. The whole thing was just annoying.† Judging by the numbers, this true story is not just an isolated case. Sexual harassment occurs in a variety of forms at State, and often goes without recognition. Harassment is difficult to define, and even harder to discuss. It can happen at Tap or Valentine, and it ranges from an unwanted advance to physical assault or rape. Particularly in a college environment, harassment is often both elusive and pervasive. Here at State, sexual harassment is making its presence felt. During the 2003-2004 school year, nine cases of harassment, seven cases of sexual assault, and five cases of rape were reported, compared to eight cases of harassment, seven assaults and five rapes last year. The statistics from 2002, however, provide a stark contrast to the last two years. These numbers may be part of a larger problem. Statistics show that there seems to be an increase in cases of sexual harassment at colleges around the country. Date rape has become the most common violent crime on college campuses today. About one out of s... ...ary action. Krull said, â€Å"I feel we are working towards a system which is supportive of victims/survivors, encouraging them to come forward to get emotional support for these painful situations.† What steps can be taken by both individuals and the student body in order to prevent and eliminate these occurrences? â€Å"My hope is that as a community we can treat each other with more respect,† said Krull. â€Å"The way to do this is to have open dialogues about how we deserve to be treated, what we think and how we perceive things differently.† â€Å"One of the most important things is to establish a no-tolerance policy,† said Bucknell-Pogue. â€Å"If people aren’t telling offensive jokes, the whole philosophy of campus life would change. We have to be supportive of each other and accept that different people are comfortable with different levels of contact and types of behavior.†

Networking Report Essay example -- essays research papers fc

Networking Report Contents The report is broken down in 30 main sections in them the following can be viewed: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  INTRODUCTION 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  WHAT IS A NETWORK? 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS FROM NETWORKING? 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  NETWORK RELATIONSHIP TYPES 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  WIDE AREA NETWORKS (WAN) 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  LOCAL AREA NETWORKS (LAN) 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORK (MAN) 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  PEER-TO-PEER NETWORK RELATIONSHIP 9.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  CLIENT/SERVER NETWORK RELATIONSHIP 10.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  COMPARING PEER-TO-PEER AND CLIENT/SERVER 11.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ADVANTAGES OF PEER-TO-PEER 12.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  DISADVANTAGES OF PEER-TO-PEER 13.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ADVANTAGES OF CLIENT/SERVER 14.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  DISADVANTAGES OF CLIENT/SERVER NETWORKS 15.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  NETWORK FEATURES OF CLIENT/SERVER 1 FILE SHARING 2 PRINTER SHARING 3 APPLICATION SERVICES 4 E-MAIL 16.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  THE INTERNET 17.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  NETWORK SECURITY 18.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  WORKSTATION HARDWARE 19.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  BUS TOPOLOGY 20.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  STAR TOPOLOGY 21.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  RING TOPOLOGY 22.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  TREE TOPOLOGY 23.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  FIREWALLS 24.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE (DSL) 25.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ACCOUNT SECURITY 26.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  CONCLUSION 27.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  RECOMMENDATION 28.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  BIBLIOGRAPHY 29.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 30.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  APPENDICES APPENDIX 1.1: THE SERVER APPENDIX 1.2: THE NETWORK CARD APPENDIX 1.3: THE ROUTER INTRODUCTION I have decided to research into Networking as my individual assignment for CP2099, because I am interested in setting up networks, as I already have set up my own small network at home. I also want to find out some of the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of networks. I will research extensively in order to find the best possible network for:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  &... ...ughput of 100mbps (using 100mbps hub and cabling) even the most demanding multi-player games will run smoother and more reliably. Ideal for games like Quake, Half-Life and Unreal Tournament, Windows networking and data transfer. Supplied with drivers for Windows 95, 98 and Windows NT. Appendix 1.3: The Router ADSL 16port Router with built in Modem & Firewall Source: PC World  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Instant Broadband EtherFast Cable/DSL VPN Router is the ideal solution for remotely accessing a network securely over the Internet using cutting edge encryption and authentication methods.16Port Router, which expands its functionality and security, features by utilizing 56-bit DES and 168-bit 3DES encryption, and Internet Key Exchange (IKE). A built-in IPSec coprocessor from Hifn allows for complete data privacy for the access and exchange of your most sensitive data from your home to your corporate network or between remote branch offices without the additional cost of IPSec VPN client software for each computer. The Router is capable of conducting up to 70 simultaneous IPSec VPN tunnels while allowing additional savings with no upgrade fees or technical support costs.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Fishes :: essays research papers

There are two classes of fishlike creatures in the Chordate Phylum. The first is Chondrichthyes Class, which comprises mainly of Sharks and Rays. The seconds is the common Bony fishes of the class Ostechithyes. The apparent similarities between each speech are only skin deep. They have similar dapperly solely because of convergent evolution and not because of any close evolution connection. There paired fins can identify class Chrondrichthyes, which comprises namely of sharks and rays, their completely cartilaginous skeletons and biting jaws characteristic of the group. Chrondrichthyes are mainly carnivorous, and the sharks have highly adept senses for vision, olfaction, and hearing. They even posses a system of microscopic organs which can detect changes in water pressure around the shall. Sharks do not possess gills flaps like a fish so a shark must continuously move in order to obtain enough oxygen to survey. The large teeth of a shark are evolutionarily derived from jagged skin scales. Which are apparent on shark’s ancestor’s Placodermi class. The digestion system of a shark contains a “spiral valve'; intestinal system, which increases the surface area and lengthens the time food is digested in the unusually short intestine system of a shark. Sharks sexually reproduce. Unlike a shark, rays have flattened bodies so they can hide themselves in the sa nd at the bottom of any shallow water area and wait for a meal. Rays also have a whiplike tail for defense and jaws, which it uses to crush mollusks and crustaceans. Class Osterrichhthyes has the most separate species of any vertebrate class. Unlike their oceanic cosines Bony fish have a skeleton made from calcium phosphate and a slimy skin covered by bony armorlike scales. Fish of the Osterrichhthyes class have gill flaps call an operculum. On the side of there head which have flaps that move while the fish is stationary drawing in water which the fish can convert into oxygen. An unusual characteristic of bony fish is that they can control their density and this control their buoyancy by means of a unique swim bladder. Fish system of flexible fins in another adaptation the fish have made. Unlike sharks bony fishes fertile externally and even in the Osterrichhthyes Class there is great variation in reproductive techniques. There are two distinct subclasses of fishes, Ray finned and fleshy finned, each has a common ancestor. Though divergent evolution the ray finned fish have become a separate class from the fleshy finned.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Hawaiian Islands

Hawaii and Tourism â€Å"Hawaii is like no other place on earth† (Goshawks). Hawaii attracts many tourists per year because of Its history, geography, and entertainment This state is known for its many islands, volcanoes, and climate as well. When I think about Hawaii all imagine is standing on the beach overlooking the ocean getting hit with the nice warm breeze hearing laughter and seeing smiles. Since â€Å"Hawaii Is one of the most isolated places on Earth† It makes vacationing there completely stress and worry free, because you are far away from home and nothing n your mind but having a great vacation (Inner p. ). The state was founded by the Polynesians and it was also named by them. The word Hawaii in the Polynesian language meaner â€Å"Homeland† (Wisped). Having a name with such a powerful meaning says a lot about the state. I think It shows that anyone could look to Hawaii as their own homeland. Hawaii's communication with Europe started when it was fou nded by two British Explorers (Wisped). James Cook and captain clerk were suppose to be searching for the Northwest Passage, and discovered the Hawaiian Islands on January 18, 1778 They then spent the majority of he year searching for the Northwest Passage.When Cook had no luck, he abandoned his search and turned their ship south towards the islands. Cook and Clerk arrived in Hawaii between November of 1778 and January 1779 where they landed at Keelhaul Bay. Awaiting their arrival were thousands of excited natives. When Cook decided to leave the newly found island he found that the natives had stolen one of his ships. Cook proceeded to leave, however a few days later returned with marines to take the king hostage. The king had no objections to abandoning his Island and ongoing with Cook and the marines, however the fellow natives tried convincing the king not to go.The attitudes of everyone quickly changed when word that a chief had been killed, not far up the Island. â€Å"The nat ives attacked and the marines fired back with guns and bayonets. The battle only lasted a few minutes but when it was over, Cook lay dead on the beach† (south-pole). Since the Europeans had now discovered the Islands It progressively grew until It became the fiftieth state to Join the U. S. â€Å"Hawaii's tourism industry officially began in 1927. That year. The first luxury passenger ship, the S. S. Mallow, began voyages between San Francisco and the Islands† (En p. 34).With the new ship making voyages It brought great new revenue to the islands. However, the world changed forever when the Japanese bombed the U. S. Navy that was stationed In Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7th 1941. This attack made Americans weary tot the Japanese and soon the Japanese were singled out; to show how loyal they were to America they signed up to fight in World War II (Inner p. 3536). Things finally started looking up for Hawaii; on August 21, 1959 It was announced that Hawaii was now a part tot the united States tot America. The tourism coming into Hawaii was finally picking back up too (Inner p. 36).The amount of tourism Hawaii sees Is constantly rising. As of September 2012 Hawaii has had 583,363 total visitors. Exactly one year ago in September tot 2011 Hawaii only and 553,187 total visitors, that's a 5. 5% change over one year (Hawaii Tourism Authority). Many tourists go to Hawaii Just because of the history of the islands, however many go for the geography as well. â€Å"There are six major islands to visit in Hawaii: Kuaka, AAU, Monomial, Lana', Mama, and Hawaii Island† (Goshawks). No matter which of the six ajar islands you are on; the weather is the roughly the same with very little changes throughout the year.The fact that â€Å"tourists are attracted by Hawaii's pleasant, sunny climate† makes Hawaii such a desirable place to vacation (Inner p. 13). Hawaii only has two seasons all year long summer, which ranges from May to October, and winte r, which ranges from November to April. The temperatures in the summer range from a low of OFF to a high of OFF; in the winter the temperatures range from a low of OFF to a high of OFF (Goshawks). Many people think of the islands as Just an island, but they are not. The Hawaiian Islands are really tops of volcanic mountains. The Hawaiian islands were created when boiling lava surged upward through almost 2,000 miles of cracks in the floor of the Pacific Ocean† (Inner p. 8). When the hot lava met the mildly cold water it became hard. As the years progressed this happened more and more eventually causing it to appear above the water as an active volcanic island. It took many years for the Hawaiian Islands to actually get carved out into what it is today (Inner p. 8-9). Kuaka is one of the prettiest islands to visit from Hawaii. It is one of the top five largest islands to see and it will take your breath away.This island is used to film movies that have major Jungles and beautif ul beaches. Also this island is full of beautiful coconut trees (Inner p. 55). AAU is the closest island to Kuaka and is the home of Pearl Harbor. This island is known for its pineapples and coffee fields (Inner p. 56-57). This island is also home to the â€Å"Triple Crown of Surfing competition† which is held on the â€Å"beaches of Williwaw, Waianae Bay, Sunsets, Chukka, and other world-famous North Shore beaches† (Inner p. 57). This island is mostly sited to see the historical attributes that is offered here.Monomial is the second closest island to Kuaka and is shaped like a shoe. This island is the fifth largest island in Hawaii (Inner p. 59). This island is the best island out of them all to have a lazy vacation. It is a â€Å"great place to go snorkeling or swimming or to enjoy a sightseeing tour, complete with the African wildlife† (Inner p. 60). The people that reside on this island are never in a hurry to do anything and are some of the nicest people yo u would ever meet (Inner p. 60). Lanai is the most self contained island of them all. It is the best island to go for peace and quiet.The island only has two hotels and hardly anywhere to shop. This island only attracts tourists that want beautiful clear water and to see the beauty of the island. This island is best suited for big city tourists (Inner . 60). The island Mama is â€Å"actually two inactive volcanoes connected by an isthmus, or strip of land† (Inner p. 62). This island is perfect for tourists visit so they can see volcanoes. Also, this island has the best tour to see a whale shooting water out of its blowhole, which is absolutely an unforgettable sight (Inner p. 64). The last major island to visit is Hawaii itself.This is the island that gave the state its name. This island is the largest of them all in fact â€Å"Hawaii is twice as big as the other islands added together† (Inner p. 64). This island is home to several volcanoes, including the most active one in the entire world, Killable. Watching this volcano erupt is absolutely breathtaking, but it is extremely dangerous. It has completely engulfed over two hundred homes and covered several beaches. The only g detect the volcanic eruptions have to this island is the fact that it is growing. â€Å"Its lava flows have added almost 600 acres of new land to the island's coast since 1983† (Inner p. 5). This island in my opinion would be the best island to visit due to the fact it is the most breath taking island because of its scenery. I have never been to Hawaii but from the pictures I have seen I'm sure it is absolutely gorgeous. The last reason I feel Hawaii is such a great tourist spot is the entertainment and the enthusiasm of the state. Hawaii is home to the Luau and the Hula dance. Americans have parties with a Luau theme all the time. Luaus are â€Å"traditional native Hawaiian feasts† that are â€Å"held in nor of graduations, weddings, or a baby's first birthda y' (Inner p. 7). The luau is now used as a theme for all kinds of parties whether it is a birthday or Just a get together. Americans have also adapted the â€Å"flower garlands, called leis† (Inner p. 4). The leis are the number one symbol that is best known in Hawaii (McCain p. 88). Whether you are in Hawaii or any state, when you see leis it automatically brings Hawaii to your mind. I see them garlands hanging on rear view mirrors in vehicles all the time. I also see this at the luau theme based parties. When tourists visit Hawaii here is always a Luau going on because it is such a popular event.Another popular event for tourists to learn and experience while at the Luau is the Hula. The Hula dance was used during religious gatherings. â€Å"Both men and women learned to dance, but only men performed in the temples† (McCain p. 89). The dance is mostly made up of hip and hand movements, which make up the words of the song that is being played while the dance is perfor med. Many people still practice and study the Hawaiian culture and are always creating different ways to act out the symbols of the state (McCain p. 89-90). I know when I see someone on TV doing the Hula dance it brings the great state of Hawaii to mind.In conclusion, the history, geography, and entertainment of Hawaii are what attract tourists to this state. The fact that the climate is always the same and that there is so much history to learn from the islands. While also gaining new ways to entertain is what makes this state amazing. From doing this research on the state has Just made me want to visit the islands even more then I did before. It has made me believe that Hawaii is the best vacation spot, no matter what time of the year. Works Cited Hawaii's Official Tourism Site. Hawaii's Official Tourism Site, 2012.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Organizational structure paper

Tyson Foods, Inc. Organizational Structure Paper Gloria Sample MGT 230 1 1/07/2013 Dr. William Manduca This organizational structure paper for Tyson Foods, Inc. will show how Tyson Foods Company Is structures and organized. It will also show the comparison and contrast within its work place and company as a whole. It will focus somewhat on how marketing, finance, human resources, and operation department influence and determine the organizational structure for the company.Lastly, it will talk about how the organization design; such as products and customer base and services help etermine the company's needs across the globe and in other countries that are located In the world. Tyson Food Company challenges Its business, allowing It to have the advantage of becoming a multi business like none other. Tyson Food Company controls the market price for chicken and the overall integrated production. The production of chicken for Tyson Food accounts for 35% of all their production segments. Tyson Foods accounts for 20 % of all chicken production in the United States.Because chicken is the most efficient feed animal in conversion to meat protein, It Is dominating as the primary meat protein source. Tyson Food utilizes full, vertical integration through an entire seven stage of production, from inception to slaughter, and operates feed mills to produce the chicken ration. Tyson Food has an advantage of operating in vertically Integrated business, dominating the regional area of the united States. Having the opportunity of working with Tyson Foods for eighteen years, gave me the opportunity to see firsthand how the company operated on a daily bases from the corporate offce down.Tyson Foods had a way of doing thing by the book and at the same time showing love and respect in every aspect of he company whether it is management or floor employees. Tyson Foods had rules and regulation that everyone had to follow and abide by. The organizational structure there was followed th rough on a daily basis. If you had a problem with something, you did not go over someone's head and get the problem fixed, you followed chain of command. If you could not get the problem solved through chain of command, then you take the next step. I liked working at Tyson Foods because they were all about the business and getting the Job done.At the same time they cared about the employees as a whole. Everyone there worked with a spirit of excellent and enthusiasm. It was so well organized. People did not have a problem getting off work or taking leave if they had accumulated it. Going to the doctor was never a problem for the employees If It was legit. Vacation was never a problem either If you had the leave. We Just had to make sure that someone was covering our position facility. This was a plus for the many employees that the employed. Tyson Food is on the Fortune 500 as the second largest food manufacturing corporation.Tyson Foods Company produces and packages a large selectio n of beef, poultry, and pork roducts that provide convenience to their customers. These products are then sold to food retailers throughout the Unites States and 90 countries around the world. While Tyson Foods produce and package food that ties into making a profit, they also take large strides to insure nit customers of its quality of the products the sale. Tyson Foods has a program called the Food Wise Program that educates its customers on how to prepare their food properly, and establishes labeling and tracking systems.Tyson Foods extends itself through humanitarian efforts to help with hunger and disaster relief. I can remember when Hurricane Katrina came through; everyone was in a panic and uproar. The management teams of Tyson Foods quickly put their heads together and began to execute the disaster program design to help people in need. There was no electricity and no-one knew when the power was going to be restored. Tyson management team called different departments in to h elp with the disaster relief, whether it was giving out bags of ice or fixing plates for the hungry. Everyone worked together as a whole and the Job was a success.Tyson Foods wants to develop a more strategic overall approach to hunger relief that would engage takeholders and people that have stocks on a more meaningful level including the team members, community leaders and elected officials, retail and food service customers, and a large number of organizations and individuals involved in hunger reliefs nationwide. Together they created three primary goals focusing on approach, communication, and involvement towards hunger relief. Tyson Foods did a survey tracking and analyzing media coverage and exposure, assessing team member involvement, and by comparing actual results with initial goals.Tyson Foods has onated over 50 million pounds of products to help those in need around the world. Tyson promotes environmental stewardship by implementing an environmental system to all of its domestic processing plants, encouraging natural farming techniques. Tyson's customers are the lifeblood of their organization and their success. Customer satisfaction is its primary goal and profits are the secondary goal. Tyson Foods aim to deliver great value in their products and services to maintain a competitive position. Tyson Foods found this to be the most important factor contributing to their customers' overall satisfaction.Tyson Foods implementation of structure and organization is very important to the company's development and success. It takes a company that operates responsibly and operates according to core values and cultures to take the company to the next level. Tyson Foods dwells daily on their core values and morals. Tyson has a lot of resources to broaden a production footprint and continues to be on top at all times. One of the quickest ways Tyson was transformed into the mega company that it is that the managers simplified the strategy kept a simple organized structure. Tyson sticks by the old saying, â€Å"communication is the key.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Could broadband be the benchmark for globalization’s progress and adoption?

Though there have been considerable advances in the field of internet technology, not all problems are addressed to reach globalization’s progress and adoption. This is in contrast to the steady and rapid advances in semiconductor technology, information storage, networking, and applications, the interaction of IT with various elements of society is more complex. Although IT performance in many cases improves exponentially, the utility to users in many cases improves more slowly (Chandra et al. 2000).For example, a doubling of computer processing speeds may bring only small improvements in the most widely used applications, such as word processing or spreadsheets. Furthermore, although it is common to talk about the â€Å"impact† or â€Å"effect† of IT or the Internet—implying a one-way influence—the interaction of IT with society is multidirectional and multidimensional. Over the past two decades, many studies have explored how organizations use IT . Cumulatively, these studies have found that a simple model of IT leading to social and organizational effects does not hold (Kling 2000).Instead, IT is developed and used in a social context in which organizations and individuals shape the technology and the way it is used. The implementation of IT is an ongoing social process that involves changes in people's roles and in organizational procedures. Incentives and trust are important factors in the success of IT implementation. And broadband proliferation is an important ingredient of globalization. The public debate in this country on the War in Iraq has been the most hotly contested issue in recent history and shows no sign of letting up.Through all the policy proposals, failures and triumphs many positive viewpoints have emerged about how to address the most distressing issues related to United State's new found global role: exporter of security. Dr. Barnett believes this is positive trend overall: â€Å"That is why the public debate about this war has been so important: It forces Americans to come to terms with what I believe is the new security paradigm that shapes this age, namely, Disconnectedness defines danger. † I think that last statement is an apt template for understanding the daunting task facing the broadband era: the age of transactional transformation.It is in the disconnectedness that defines the danger for our productiveness and growth, and hence our economy as a whole. The disconnectedness from novel approaches, the disconnectedness from relevant value models, disconnectedness from persistent progression to universal broadband access. Perhaps there is a need to view broadband technology adoption as a historical process in the same vain as globalization. Unfortunately, for many, this leads to a nasty polemic on it's relative merits. Barnett has this to say on this issue: The problem with most discussion of globalization is that too many experts treat it as a binaryoutcome: Either it is great and sweeping the planet, or it is horrid and failing humanity everywhere. Neither view really works, because globalization as a historical process is simply too big and too complex for such summary judgments. Instead, this new world must be defined by where globalization has truly taken root and where it has not. Barnett goes on to say: Show me where globalization is thick with network connectivity, financial transactions, liberal media flows, and collective security, and I will show you regions featuring stable governments, rising standards of living, and more deaths by suicide than murder.These parts of the world I call the Functioning Core, or Core. But show me where globalization is thinning or just plain absent, and I will show you regions plagued by politically repressive regimes, widespread poverty and disease, routine mass murder, and most important the chronic conflicts that incubate the next generation of global terrorists. These parts of the world I call the Non -Integrating Gap, or Gap. Could broadband be the benchmark for globalization's progress and adoption? It can be, I believe the more the connectedness to the Functioning Core the greater the value rendered.Broadband access providers whether wireline or wireless will have to holistically reconsider the ramifications of globalization in this context. They can do much to advance it positively or hinder it destructively. The lessons for content providers may seem less obvious but in a globalize economy the more connectedness the richer the value doesn't always resolve neatly. Microsoft, Google, Cisco, Apple, Oracle, Yahoo, eBay and IBM to name a few, have all handle this transition quite nicely. And if supporting and expanding the core is what the new economy is all about then I can think of no better marker for globalization than broadband.This proposed study will try to find out if indeed broadband can be the benchmark for globalization’s progress and at the same time, will it b alance with societal impacts? Will the globalization’s progress and adoption will take into consideration the affect on the people as whole? REFERENCES CHANDRA, B. , DAHLIN, M. , GAO, L. , AND NAYATE, A. 2001. End-to-end WAN Service Availability. In Proc. 3rd USITS (San Francisco, CA, 2001), pp. 97–108. Kling, R. (2000). Learning about information technologies and social change: The contribution ofsocial informatics. The Information Society, 16(3), 217-232. Sawyer, S. and Rosenbaum, H. (2000). Social informatics in the information sciences: Current activities and emerging directions. [Electronic Version] Informing Science. 3 (2), 89-95 available Suchman, L. (1994). Supporting articulation work: Aspects of a feminist practice of office technology production. In R. Kling (Ed. ), Computerization and Controversy (pp. 407-423). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Williams, R. , & Edge, D. (1996). The social shaping of technology. Research Policy, 2

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Athens vs. Sparta

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in one of the two strongest empires 2,500 years ago? Athens and Sparta were the most powerful empire and city- states in Greece 2,500 years ago. They both shared many of their beliefs and heroes, but they were very different when it came to their government. Athens had a democracy and trade while Sparta was a military state and its focus was training the people for war. Sparta was a better place because the women had more freedom, they were prized for reproduction, and they did not have to worry about raising their hildren after age eight because they had to go off to the military.I would rather live in Sparta because women had more freedom and independence, there was a strong sense of security and theyre government was very well protected, and women were prized and their women's fitness was priority. In Sparta, the women had so much more freedom than the women in Athens. The Athenian women had to stay home and do what the man said and do all the work around the house (F). Their women were treated like children and many times the women were expected to be timid and earful (E).On the other hand, in Sparta, the women could take legal action under the supervision of a male guardian. They were prized for reproduction, women owned two-fifths of the land and they did not have to take care of their babies for long. The women only had to take care of healthy children for about 7 years then they would get taken away to the military (B). Also, they could own land and hire people to work for them. I like this way of living better than Athens because l, personally, like being ndependent and knowing that I can do things on my own.Second, Sparta was a better place to live because they had a very strong government and sense of security. The military in Sparta was very strong and they won many of their battles. Spartan women when handing their son or husband a shield would say â€Å"Come back with your shield, or on it. â⠂¬  Since the men had been trained they knew how to fight and they knew good strategies to help them fight. The two kings of Sparta led the military into battle when it was time.I would like to live ere because I know that if the city-state were attacked, the military would know how to defend the city and keep us safe. Next, Sparta was a better place to live because the women were somewhat important in society. In Sparta, the women were prized for their reproduction (B). If the women did not reproduce, they would not have any new people to go into the military. After seven years a woman would give her child to men who trained him for the military so he could grow up and serve for them (B).When the child became even or eight years they no longer had to worry about child care or the usual eighteen plus years of care that usually happens today. In addition, since women could do as much as the men, they spent time exercising and training for battle even though they could never fght. Th ey would learn battle strategies Just like the men in Sparta and they would stay fit in the process. The women also believed in staying fit because if they were fit then the chance of them having a healthy child was increased. I believe this was important because for me, I like being athletic.I don't think I could sit around and care for a child for many years and Just clean around the In conclusion, I think Athens could have been an okay place to live, but I think the women Just were not treated fairly. I would rather live in Sparta because the women were prized for their reproduction, they stayed fit, they were given more freedom, they were independent, and there was a strong sense of security and a strong and powerful government. I picked Sparta because it fits me best because I am athletic, independent, and I don't like to be treated like dirt. Athens vs. Sparta Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in one of the two strongest empires 2,500 years ago? Athens and Sparta were the most powerful empire and city- states in Greece 2,500 years ago. They both shared many of their beliefs and heroes, but they were very different when it came to their government. Athens had a democracy and trade while Sparta was a military state and its focus was training the people for war. Sparta was a better place because the women had more freedom, they were prized for reproduction, and they did not have to worry about raising their hildren after age eight because they had to go off to the military.I would rather live in Sparta because women had more freedom and independence, there was a strong sense of security and theyre government was very well protected, and women were prized and their women's fitness was priority. In Sparta, the women had so much more freedom than the women in Athens. The Athenian women had to stay home and do what the man said and do all the work around the house (F). Their women were treated like children and many times the women were expected to be timid and earful (E).On the other hand, in Sparta, the women could take legal action under the supervision of a male guardian. They were prized for reproduction, women owned two-fifths of the land and they did not have to take care of their babies for long. The women only had to take care of healthy children for about 7 years then they would get taken away to the military (B). Also, they could own land and hire people to work for them. I like this way of living better than Athens because l, personally, like being ndependent and knowing that I can do things on my own.Second, Sparta was a better place to live because they had a very strong government and sense of security. The military in Sparta was very strong and they won many of their battles. Spartan women when handing their son or husband a shield would say â€Å"Come back with your shield, or on it. â⠂¬  Since the men had been trained they knew how to fight and they knew good strategies to help them fight. The two kings of Sparta led the military into battle when it was time.I would like to live ere because I know that if the city-state were attacked, the military would know how to defend the city and keep us safe. Next, Sparta was a better place to live because the women were somewhat important in society. In Sparta, the women were prized for their reproduction (B). If the women did not reproduce, they would not have any new people to go into the military. After seven years a woman would give her child to men who trained him for the military so he could grow up and serve for them (B).When the child became even or eight years they no longer had to worry about child care or the usual eighteen plus years of care that usually happens today. In addition, since women could do as much as the men, they spent time exercising and training for battle even though they could never fght. Th ey would learn battle strategies Just like the men in Sparta and they would stay fit in the process. The women also believed in staying fit because if they were fit then the chance of them having a healthy child was increased. I believe this was important because for me, I like being athletic.I don't think I could sit around and care for a child for many years and Just clean around the In conclusion, I think Athens could have been an okay place to live, but I think the women Just were not treated fairly. I would rather live in Sparta because the women were prized for their reproduction, they stayed fit, they were given more freedom, they were independent, and there was a strong sense of security and a strong and powerful government. I picked Sparta because it fits me best because I am athletic, independent, and I don't like to be treated like dirt. Athens vs. Sparta Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in one of the two strongest empires 2,500 years ago? Athens and Sparta were the most powerful empire and city- states in Greece 2,500 years ago. They both shared many of their beliefs and heroes, but they were very different when it came to their government. Athens had a democracy and trade while Sparta was a military state and its focus was training the people for war. Sparta was a better place because the women had more freedom, they were prized for reproduction, and they did not have to worry about raising their hildren after age eight because they had to go off to the military.I would rather live in Sparta because women had more freedom and independence, there was a strong sense of security and theyre government was very well protected, and women were prized and their women's fitness was priority. In Sparta, the women had so much more freedom than the women in Athens. The Athenian women had to stay home and do what the man said and do all the work around the house (F). Their women were treated like children and many times the women were expected to be timid and earful (E).On the other hand, in Sparta, the women could take legal action under the supervision of a male guardian. They were prized for reproduction, women owned two-fifths of the land and they did not have to take care of their babies for long. The women only had to take care of healthy children for about 7 years then they would get taken away to the military (B). Also, they could own land and hire people to work for them. I like this way of living better than Athens because l, personally, like being ndependent and knowing that I can do things on my own.Second, Sparta was a better place to live because they had a very strong government and sense of security. The military in Sparta was very strong and they won many of their battles. Spartan women when handing their son or husband a shield would say â€Å"Come back with your shield, or on it. â⠂¬  Since the men had been trained they knew how to fight and they knew good strategies to help them fight. The two kings of Sparta led the military into battle when it was time.I would like to live ere because I know that if the city-state were attacked, the military would know how to defend the city and keep us safe. Next, Sparta was a better place to live because the women were somewhat important in society. In Sparta, the women were prized for their reproduction (B). If the women did not reproduce, they would not have any new people to go into the military. After seven years a woman would give her child to men who trained him for the military so he could grow up and serve for them (B).When the child became even or eight years they no longer had to worry about child care or the usual eighteen plus years of care that usually happens today. In addition, since women could do as much as the men, they spent time exercising and training for battle even though they could never fght. Th ey would learn battle strategies Just like the men in Sparta and they would stay fit in the process. The women also believed in staying fit because if they were fit then the chance of them having a healthy child was increased. I believe this was important because for me, I like being athletic.I don't think I could sit around and care for a child for many years and Just clean around the In conclusion, I think Athens could have been an okay place to live, but I think the women Just were not treated fairly. I would rather live in Sparta because the women were prized for their reproduction, they stayed fit, they were given more freedom, they were independent, and there was a strong sense of security and a strong and powerful government. I picked Sparta because it fits me best because I am athletic, independent, and I don't like to be treated like dirt.